
Get Started

Unlock the power of our platform.

Scheduling & Calendar

Schedule with real-time calendar access.

Manage Clients 

Simplify practice management with centralized client information.

My Services

Manage offered services all in one place.

Appointment Management

Manage appointments with automated booking and reminders.

Billing & Invoicing

Automate invoices, payments, and refunds efficiently.

Trova the Company

Discover Trova, enhance your practice.

Security & Compliance

Explore our robust practice security measures.

Trova Features

Explore Trova’s powerful practice management tools.

Get Started

Ready to get started with Trova Learn the essential steps to sign up and unlock the power of our platform.

Our Get Started section is designed to guide you through the essential steps of signing up with Trova. By following our user-friendly instructions, you’ll seamlessly unlock the full power and potential of our platform. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, Trova is here to support and enhance your healthcare practice. Let’s begin this transformative journey together and harness the capabilities that Trova has to offer!

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  • Where can I find the Paystack keys needed for Trova integration
  • Do I need to configure anything on the Paystack website besides entering keys on the Trova website
  • Is signing up for Paystack worth the effort
  • What is the login page for Paystack

Scheduling & Calendar

Explore Effortless Calendar & Scheduling in Trova! Manage work hours, set availability, and schedule appointments with real-time calendar access. 

In our Scheduling & Calendar section, you’ll discover the simplicity of managing your work hours, setting availability, and scheduling appointments seamlessly. Utilize the real-time calendar access to stay organized and enhance your practice efficiency. Trova empowers you to take control of your schedule, providing the tools you need for successful calendar and scheduling management. Let’s explore the effortless side of practice organization together!

Relevant Articles

  • How do I schedule an appointment for a new client in the calendar section
  • How do I schedule appointments for my existing clients in the calendar section
  • Can I make changes to appointments directly from the calendar screen
  • What are the default working hours set to
  • How do I edit/change my working hours

Manage Clients

Master Client Management with Trova! Centralize all your client information, helping to simplify your practice management.

Step into the Manage Clients realm on Trova! Here, you can effortlessly master client management by centralizing all essential information. This unified approach simplifies your practice management, offering a seamless way to oversee and organize client details. Trova is designed to empower you in providing top-notch care to your clients while streamlining your overall practice. Let’s explore the Manage Clients section and enhance your client management experience!

Relevant Articles

  • How do I add new clients in Trova
  • Can you add clients anywhere else in the platform
  • How can I quickly navigate to a client’s profile
  • Are there multiple locations on the platform where I can schedule an appointment
  • How do I reschedule an appointment

My Services

Showcase Your Services: Conveniently manage and review all your offered services in one place.

Welcome to My Services on Trova! This is your platform to showcase and manage all your offered services effortlessly. Conveniently review, update, and organize your services in one centralized location. Trova is here to simplify the way you present and manage your offerings, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and your clients. Let’s step into the My Services section and elevate how you showcase your professional offerings!

Relevant Articles

  • How to add a new service  
  • What does Restrict Session Times mean in the service details
  • How do I edit a service on Trova
  • What do the icons in the Manage My Services section represent

Appointment Management

Efficient Appointment Management: Seamlessly oversee all your appointments in one place, complete with automated booking emails and client reminders.

Welcome to Appointment Management on Trova! Experience efficient appointment management where you can seamlessly oversee all your appointments in one central hub. Benefit from automated booking emails and client reminders, simplifying the scheduling process. Trova is designed to enhance your practice efficiency, providing a streamlined approach to managing appointments effortlessly. Let’s explore the Appointment Management section and optimize how you oversee your appointments!

Relevant Articles

  • How do I schedule an appointment for a new client in the appointments section
  • How do I schedule appointments for my existing clients in the appointments section
  • How do I start a video call from the Upcoming appointments section
  • What should I do if the video is not working during a virtual call due to a possible Wi-Fi issue
  • What if the sound doesn’t work during a video call on a mobile device
  • What if the sound doesn’t work during a video call on a desktop or computer
  • What happens when I mark a session as complete

Billing & Invoicing

Simplified Billing: Automate invoices and payment links sent to clients post-session. Manage invoices, payments, and refunds all in one place.

Welcome to Billing & Invoicing on Trova! Experience simplified billing as we automate invoices and send payment links to clients post-session. Conveniently manage invoices, payments, and refunds all in one place. Trova is designed to streamline your financial processes, offering an efficient solution for billing and invoicing. Let’s explore the Billing & Invoicing section and optimize the way you handle your practice finances!

Relevant Articles

  • How does a client pay
  •  How do I get paid
  • What happens if the client doesn’t pay the invoice immediately
  • Why aren’t my invoices downloading
  • Is there a step by step guide to help with setting up Paystack

Trova the Company

Discover Trova: Learn more about who we are and how we can enhance your practice. 

Welcome to the insightful world of Trova the Company! Embark on a journey to discover the essence of Trova—uncover the core values, mission, and the dedicated team behind our platform. In Discover Trova, we invite you to delve deeper into understanding how our company strives to enhance your practice. Explore the intricacies of Trova’s commitment to innovation, efficiency, and providing unparalleled support to healthcare professionals. Join us on this exploration to unlock the full potential of what Trova, as a company, can offer to transform and elevate your healthcare practice experience.

Relevant Articles

  • How can I bring Trova to my country
  • Is Trova planning to expand to other countries
  • What types of private practices does Trova serve in the healthcare sector
  • How does Trova assist group practices in the healthcare sector
  • What role does Trova play in government healthcare systems

Security & Compliance

Trova: Your Trusted Partner for Security and Compliance. Explore how we safeguard your practice and ensure compliance with our robust security measures. 

Welcome to Security & Compliance on Trova! We take pride in being your trusted partner for security and compliance. Dive into the details to explore how Trova safeguards your practice, ensuring robust security measures and full compliance. Join us on this journey to understand the commitment we have towards providing a secure and compliant environment for your healthcare practice.

Relevant Articles

  • Where can I find Trova’s Privacy Policy
  • How do I know my personal information is secure with Trova
  • Where can I find Trova’s Terms of Service
  • Do I need to agree to any terms when signing up

Trova Features

Unveiling Trova Features: Explore the powerful tools and capabilities that Trova offers for streamlined practice management.

Step into the world of Trova Features! Join us in unveiling the powerful tools and capabilities that Trova offers for a seamlessly streamlined practice management experience. Discover the array of features designed to enhance efficiency and optimize every aspect of your healthcare practice. Let’s explore Trova Features and unlock the potential that will revolutionize the way you manage your practice.

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  • Why is Paystack integration necessary for simplified billing
  • Can I use simplified billing without integrating Paystack
  • How does the dashboard help with scheduling
  • What are Streamlined E-Notes in Trova Health
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